Saturday 27 November 2010

Footy in the Snow !

Taking the little one to footy this afternoon....oh joy !!

Think I'm going to need thermals !! It's soooo cold...brr !

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Pretty Garden Sampler

Just found out ........My Pretty Garden Sampler design was voted stitchers favourite of the month for October on The Stitching Shed web....whoo hoo !!

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Jack-in-a-Box !!

I have spent the whole day going in and out of the house

doing runs....elderly father runs....library..... office...errands for neighbours!!

I feel like a Jack-in-a-Box....tomorrow I'm staying put !

Thursday 11 November 2010

Much better...

Well I'm feeling much better now...thanks. Ready to get back to work !!

Thought I would post up this surface pattern I did a few years ago...

it reminds me of warmer days...roll on summer....its blowing a gale outside !!

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Feeling ill

What is the point of a flu jab....when it leaves you with the flu !!

My head body aches....I cant stop sneezing....I think it's time for bed !!

Hello Amy

Congratulations to Steph and Mark....another little girl...well done !! xx