The ' Hoot ' design I did for The Stitching Shed just got voted their most popular needlepoint kit of 2011. I had fun designing last years range for them.....just about to put the finishing touches to 2012.....more owls to come folks !!!
I have neglected my blog lately due to juggling so I thought I would make a real effort today to post. Here is something I have been working on...C is for cow ! I love doing kids always puts me in such a good mood !!'s nearly the end of the summer's gone really quickly this year....but the little one and I have had a whale of a time....done loads....spent loads....but have enjoyed loads too !! Hope your holiday has been a good one x's mid July...the kids are about to finish school for 6 weeks...and its absolutely lashing it down with rain...I'm wearing 2 sandals have been replaced by winter boots...and the heatings back on !! Welcome to the British Summer !
We have a large garden....mostly grass ( being used as a football pitch right now ) and apple trees ( we have enough apples to start a small cider business ) !! But I'm pretty useless at growing flowers....that is until I became pals with the retired gardener next door..... every weekend he hands me armfuls of blooms to plant over the fence...what a star ! So today we cut a bunch of large daisies and took them round to his a say thanks
In not very many weeks I'm going to a REALLY posh do....and have to wear REALLY posh shoes....and a REALLY posh dress. The problem is....the REALLY posh dress that is in my wardrobe doesn't seem to fit !! I swear it's shrunk !! No more choccy biscuits until the end of June.....I'm having withdrawl symptoms already !
Thought I would post up a snapshot of some work in progress....its ages since I have designed any repeats....I'm a little rusty but really enjoying's taking my mind off the never ending school holidays and the relentless energy of my 8 yr old !!
Its my birthday today so I decided to have the day off and the school far I have played football...darts....wallie ( involves a ball and a wall and mums never win ! ) ...and it looks like its Wii Sports this afternoon !!! I need a lie down !
I love giraffes....was just looking through some old photos of our trip to Chester Zoo....can't wait to go back....apparently there's a good zoo at Dalton in Furness where you can actually feed them...will have to arrange a visit when I get a spare day.....that would be sometime in 2012 then !!
Haven't had time to post for ages....have been working on fairies for the past few weeks. Hope you like this one....I'm going to wish for a lie in !! ( which is so not going to happen in this house !...ever ! )
I couldn't wait for school to start again today so I would get some peace and quiet....but I've spent all day missing my little chap !! The house is FAR too quiet...roll on 3 oclock !!